Nursing Recommendations
We are so proud of you and all the hard work you put into your pregnancy and labor! What a beautiful journey it has been.
Now that you are home and cozy with your newborn, here are some pointers about making sure you are producing enough milk. Even if your supply is sufficient, some basic dietary suggestions are always helpful.
While you are nursing, you want to eat rich, nutrient-dense , high fat foods. Nursing moms need extra calories (even more than when you're pregnant!). If you tolerate it well, dairy is fantastic. Go for grass-fed/pastured dairy products including plenty of butter. If you avoid dairy, you may want to consider taking an extra calcium supplement (500mg twice daily) to be sure you're getting enough.
Nuts are also great, especially almonds and pecans. Take a small handful of raw almonds and soak them overnight. In the morning, peel them and eat, or blend with milk to make a smoothie.
Other nourishing foods include papaya, dark leafy greens, avocados, chickpeas (make sure they're well-cooked and spiced or they might cause gas/colic issues), carrots (especially fresh carrot juice) and oats. If you eat meat or eggs, these two options are fantastic.
Many culinary spices are effective here too, especially fenugreek. Fenugreek can be eaten raw, mixed in with your food or even sprouted.
Teas can also be very helpful with milk supply. The ones we recommend are Oatstraw, Nettle, Alfalfa, Red Raspberry Leaf and Fennel. The brand Traditional Medicinals makes an Organic Mother's Milk Tea that you can purchase from most health food stores or online. In case you were inspired to make your own blend, let us know and we'll send you the recipe.
We recommend that you also continue your prenatal vitamin and DHA (omega 3) supplements while nursing.
Happy nursing!
xo Elaine and Chloë
Now that you are home and cozy with your newborn, here are some pointers about making sure you are producing enough milk. Even if your supply is sufficient, some basic dietary suggestions are always helpful.
While you are nursing, you want to eat rich, nutrient-dense , high fat foods. Nursing moms need extra calories (even more than when you're pregnant!). If you tolerate it well, dairy is fantastic. Go for grass-fed/pastured dairy products including plenty of butter. If you avoid dairy, you may want to consider taking an extra calcium supplement (500mg twice daily) to be sure you're getting enough.
Nuts are also great, especially almonds and pecans. Take a small handful of raw almonds and soak them overnight. In the morning, peel them and eat, or blend with milk to make a smoothie.
Other nourishing foods include papaya, dark leafy greens, avocados, chickpeas (make sure they're well-cooked and spiced or they might cause gas/colic issues), carrots (especially fresh carrot juice) and oats. If you eat meat or eggs, these two options are fantastic.
Many culinary spices are effective here too, especially fenugreek. Fenugreek can be eaten raw, mixed in with your food or even sprouted.
Teas can also be very helpful with milk supply. The ones we recommend are Oatstraw, Nettle, Alfalfa, Red Raspberry Leaf and Fennel. The brand Traditional Medicinals makes an Organic Mother's Milk Tea that you can purchase from most health food stores or online. In case you were inspired to make your own blend, let us know and we'll send you the recipe.
We recommend that you also continue your prenatal vitamin and DHA (omega 3) supplements while nursing.
Happy nursing!
xo Elaine and Chloë