Useful Websites
We know there is a lot of information out there and it's hard to know what to trust! Here are some great sites we recommend.
If you're having a specific issue, please check here.
Our Hospital
Mount Sinai West Hospital
What is a Midwife?
Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise and Positioning
BeFit-Mom - awesome site about exercise in pregnancy, modifications to make and postpartum exercises
Bodylove Pilates - membership site with over 300 prenatal and postnatal workouts
Spinning Babies - Fetal positioning website
Mongoose Bodyworks - pilates studio
Inner Dimension 40 week prenatal yoga program - yoga streaming service for pregnancy
Lactation Websites
KellyMom - info great info about breastfeeding
La Leche League - breastfeeding answers page
LactMed - Database for medication safety while breastfeeding
Ellie - virtual breastfeeding assistant
Bodily - resources and store for postpartum
Info for Parents
Maternity and Baby Stores
The Wild - Also hosts variety of classes and events. Great baby-wearing store.
Upper Breast Side - Breastfeeding supplies and resources. Also coordinates breast pump rental.
Genetic Carrier Testing
Inherigen Genetic Screening - available in our office
Panorama non invasive prenatal test - available in our office
Cord Blood Banking
Pregnancy Related Handouts
Medication Safety in Pregnancy
Eating Safely in Pregnancy
Environmental Hazards in Pregnancy
Nausea and Vomiting
Rh Negative and Rhogam Injection
Travel in Pregnancy
Group Beta Strep
Perineal Massage
Cord Blood Banking
Postpartum Handouts
What to Expect in the First Days of Breastfeeding
Motherhood: The First Days
Postpartum Depression
Newborn Handouts
Newborn Screening and Hearing Test
Pertussis Prevention
Local Organizations
La Leche League - Manhattan
La Leche League - Queens
Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York
Mommy Poppins - Resource for things to do in NYC with kids
A Child Grows In Brooklyn - Resources and events for Brooklyn parents
If you're having a specific issue, please check here.
Our Hospital
Mount Sinai West Hospital
What is a Midwife?
Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise and Positioning
BeFit-Mom - awesome site about exercise in pregnancy, modifications to make and postpartum exercises
Bodylove Pilates - membership site with over 300 prenatal and postnatal workouts
Spinning Babies - Fetal positioning website
Mongoose Bodyworks - pilates studio
Inner Dimension 40 week prenatal yoga program - yoga streaming service for pregnancy
Lactation Websites
KellyMom - info great info about breastfeeding
La Leche League - breastfeeding answers page
LactMed - Database for medication safety while breastfeeding
Ellie - virtual breastfeeding assistant
Bodily - resources and store for postpartum
Info for Parents
Maternity and Baby Stores
The Wild - Also hosts variety of classes and events. Great baby-wearing store.
Upper Breast Side - Breastfeeding supplies and resources. Also coordinates breast pump rental.
Genetic Carrier Testing
Inherigen Genetic Screening - available in our office
Panorama non invasive prenatal test - available in our office
Cord Blood Banking
Pregnancy Related Handouts
Medication Safety in Pregnancy
Eating Safely in Pregnancy
Environmental Hazards in Pregnancy
Nausea and Vomiting
Rh Negative and Rhogam Injection
Travel in Pregnancy
Group Beta Strep
Perineal Massage
Cord Blood Banking
Postpartum Handouts
What to Expect in the First Days of Breastfeeding
Motherhood: The First Days
Postpartum Depression
Newborn Handouts
Newborn Screening and Hearing Test
Pertussis Prevention
Local Organizations
La Leche League - Manhattan
La Leche League - Queens
Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York
Mommy Poppins - Resource for things to do in NYC with kids
A Child Grows In Brooklyn - Resources and events for Brooklyn parents