About Us
Central Park Midwifery was started by Georgia Rose. For many years she was a strong solo practitioner who caught many beautiful babies.
In 2013, Georgia decided to expand the practice and prepare for her upcoming retirement. Elaine joined Georgia in December 2013 and is very excited and fortunate to be embarking on this new midwifery journey!
Georgia was in private practice for 14 years and attended over 1600 deliveries. Even after all of those deliveries, she was still amazed and in awe of the wisdom of birth and the power of women. Each woman has an innate knowledge of how she will give birth because she comes from a long line of successful mothers. Georgia wanted to help each woman discover this wisdom and to encourage and support her unique journey to a positive and joyful birth experience.
In March 2015, Jo Zasloff joined the practice and together Elaine and Jo will continue to carry on Georgia's legacy and wisdom.
In 2013, Georgia decided to expand the practice and prepare for her upcoming retirement. Elaine joined Georgia in December 2013 and is very excited and fortunate to be embarking on this new midwifery journey!
Georgia was in private practice for 14 years and attended over 1600 deliveries. Even after all of those deliveries, she was still amazed and in awe of the wisdom of birth and the power of women. Each woman has an innate knowledge of how she will give birth because she comes from a long line of successful mothers. Georgia wanted to help each woman discover this wisdom and to encourage and support her unique journey to a positive and joyful birth experience.
In March 2015, Jo Zasloff joined the practice and together Elaine and Jo will continue to carry on Georgia's legacy and wisdom.